FRASCA | 冬日美味 Comforting Flavours of Winter
Frasca is launching its new a la carte menu, inspired by central Italy and its comfort dishes. Using authentic ingredients to highlight Italy's vast culinary landscape, Frasca presents a modern interpretation of traditional Italian cuisine.
意大利中部包含拉齐奥、托斯卡纳、马尔凯、布里亚、阿布鲁佐五个大区,涵盖罗马、佛罗伦萨、马里诺等有名城市,这里温润的地中海气候和一年四季充沛的阳光赋予了这片大陆富饶的食材,鲜嫩多汁的羊排、丝滑香浓的芝士,以及更多新鲜盛产的根茎类蔬菜,让意大利人的餐桌上总是丰盛而满足的。Frasca 传递暖心滋味,以传统酱汁烹饪上乘食材, 为宾客呈现意大利的舌尖风情。
Central Italy encompasses the regions of Lazio, Tuscany,
Marche, Bria and Abruzzo, as well as famous cities including Rome, Florence and Marino. The warm Mediterranean climate and plentiful sunshine throughout the year sets the scene for a bounty of beautiful produce and food product, such as tender and juicy lamb, speciality cheese and heritage root vegetables. Spotlighting these premium ingredients. Frasca gives guests a taste of Italy through the comforting flavours of winter.
精选新西兰沿海羔羊肉,佐以迷迭香、大蒜等香料腌制,使用Josper 烤箱以木柴及日本长木炭烤制,让鲜嫩的羔羊肉充分吸收烟熏和香料的香气。佐以清甜的番茄,让味蕾在羊排的脂香中寻找一丝平衡。
Marinated first with rosemary and garlic, selectd New Zealand lamb is roasted in a Josper oven over Japanese charcoal and wood for an aromatic, smoky flavour. Served with tomatoes to complement the richness of the lamb.
意大利烩饭是意大利人餐桌上必不可少的美味,Frasca选用了品质上乘的卡纳罗尼米,与24个月腌制的圣丹尼火腿,香气四溢的牛肝菌吊制高汤慢煨, 使米饭充分吸收了肉汁的香气。端上餐桌前加入帕玛森芝士、马斯卡彭芝士、拉丝芝士,让其在米饭的余热中融化,点缀意式香芹碎和蒜油,勾人食欲。
Risotto is a indispensable dish for Italian, Frasca uses high-quality Carnaroli Rice, 24-month cured Parmigiano Reggiano and boletus making original broth. The rice fully absorb the flavour of original broth. We put Parmesan, Mascarpone and Mozzarella Cheese before served on the tables and let it melt in the Residual temperature of the rice.
Patagonian Toothfish lives in the cold deep sea, making it a rich and meaty fish. Pan-fried for a crispy skin, inside the toothfish remains juicy and succulent. Paired with fresh shrimp and squid seafood soup alongside couscous dressed in tomato sauce and red wine-marinated onions.
A profiterole cream puff filled with silken vanilla and chocolate cream, drizzled with Valrhona chocolate sauce for a delicate, luxurious dessert.
For more information
+86 10 6410 5210
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